An assortment of jewelry I've been akin to wearing lately, my e-cig charger, essential oils, frames with projects awaiting them, a notebook and earbuds. Oh, and your guess is as good as mine as to how long that coffee mug has been there…blech.

There's a little sprig of basil on top of the dog crate…remains of a printing/paper craft project…and a hammer? Dunno how that got there…

Future sewing projects (note to self: you must remove the fabric from the sewing machine in order to actually DO the projects).

What remains of my canopy bed after Dutch pulled it down. I'm still going back and forth with the bedroom colors and after changing my sheets and duvet from a deep purple to a calm light blue…I think I still have an attachment to the blue. So now I have all these curtains…*sigh*

This has been my "office" for the last few days: sitting on the edge of my bed and using this giant hassock as a surface…the phone, camera charger, some books on natural magic, and my, uhm…"happy bottle"…Tobi's Kindle and mp3 player have been placed here as a sacrifice to his groundation as well.

AND his laptop…

THUNDERCATS, HOOOOOOOOO! Do you remember them?

Yes, this is all completely random indeed. Blonde hair dye? I haven't made up my mind yet. Power tools and fishing line…and a prescription bottle. Right next to the oats…seems legit.

Ironically, the table that usually holds many of my prior dumping zones, is free and clear, save for nail polish remover and a box cutter...I like to think the blue glass belongs there. :)
While this is something I'm very ashamed of, I would like to share that just days prior to this posting, my home was spotless (except for the pile of Dutch-murdered bed canopy), as I had a guest...and also, even since photographing and typing up this blog, some of these "dump spots" have either moved or been removed...I really am a homebody.
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