Well, here it is: my household's dump spot, the table in the living room. Everyone has one of these...whether it's a counter or a shelf near the door...it's a place where everything RANDOM ends up. I thought I'd share with you what's on mine right now.
1. My son's first pair of shoes. They are so tiny! I found them digging through some stuff a couple days ago, *enter girly shriek here*, showed my son who's now 12, and they've kinda just stayed in view...
2. One die I found in the yard, and some random piece of hardware, too. I didn't want my dog eating it or stepping on something that could hurt his paws. So I put them in my pocket and they ended up here.
3. Chopsticks. We use them ALL THE TIME, and for every kind of food you could imagine: eggs, carrots and dip, sauteed veggies, even pizza.
4. My son's marker carnage and paper. The little purple piece with the weird drawing on it was me trying to show him how to make animal legs and dragon arms...his first attempt was pretty awesome.
5. The Hunger Games. I am refusing to see the movie until I read the book. I'm three pages in and it's been on the table for a week now...*nervous giggle*
6. Very dirty work gloves. VERY dirty. VERY. DIRTY. I've been planting.
7. A dirty glass. This is a constant. For some reason, 12 year old boys are incapable of putting their drinking vessels in the sink when they are done with them! WHY!?!
8. The camera's USB cable. Obviously, this is one of the most important pieces of ANYTHING in my house, so its usually lying around somewhere...we have to label all of our connectors and wires and cables because we have so many freakin' gadgets. I wish companies would wise up and do the work FOR us, by printing what the connector is on it somewhere, before putting it on the shelf or in the box with it's partner gadget.
What's on YOURS? And where is it in your home?
Our table is the same! Will have to blog about it! :-)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read it! :)