I absolutely LOATHE talking on the phone. I'd rather text when it's convenient for me, or email (whether via actual email or FaceCrack messaging), and the only time you WILL catch me on the phone, I'm probably on hold with some outsourced call center in India.

The worst part about this is that some of these calls are to US GOV'T customer service centers or the like. The only fun thing about these phone calls is trying to ask the person on the other end how much they make in Indian currency, and how often they're paid. It has always ended up in an answer similar to this one: "Ma'am, I am unable to answer any personal questions at this time."
When I pose the question as impersonal as possible, directing it more towards the company's standards, etc., the confusion of the representative at the other end of the line is pretty much PRICELESS.

Have you ever gotten an answer regarding how much people in India are paid? I'd like to know how much the US GOV'T is saving by outsourcing, while there are a million or more people in their own country who would work the same job for minimum wage.
So true! Our company outsources, and I firmly believe it's caused more harm than good. I don't even know if we save money. And we work with some amazing people in India. It's mainly the language barrier and high turn-over rate that make it difficult. It's just a bad system.